I really liked this chart because it emphasized chores being a contribution to the family. I don't especially like the idea of paying kids to do things that they should be doing (like picking up their toys and helping out) just as a part of living and working together. I do think that when they do extra things or do my chores for me, it is great and definitely deserving of pay. :)
Another great thing about this chart is it is customizable. The boys helped make the list of chores they thought they could do: feeding the dog, taking out the recycling, picking up their toys, etc. My favorite being "be happy". I mean, who can't try and do that every day?
I don't expect them to accomplish the whole list every day, but we shoot for 2 or 3, and they are having fun with it.
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Super cute. Very well may steal this.
Excellent idea! I agree... :)
Boys especially, well, I've come to learn, enjoy feeling "important" like they've accomplished something, whether small or big, this is a great start for all little ones learning obedience in other areas of their lives too.
That's Cool, thanks for sharing!
I think you should add "Go fishing and bring home dinner" to the list.
Uncle Bubba
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