Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kaylee Quotes::Vol. 1

I really need to start a new series, if you will, documenting all the crazy things I say to my kids. Just like Kid Quotes, there has got to be some recording of my own quotes! My sister and I laugh at each other often over the phone at the things we hear each other say as Moms without even thinking twice about it. For example, I hear Rachel say to her son, "Jayden, stop jumping on your sister!" Or I catch myself saying, "Quit licking the table!" If you stop and think about it, it's kind of funny.

I caught myself again, just the other day, and decided the time has come to document some of the crazy things I find myself saying to my little kiddos. So without further ado the first Mommy Quote is....

(to the two older boys) "Ummm, why does the baby have a lightsaber???"


Anonymous said...

That is a great question, he should have a fishing pole instead.
Uncle Bubba

rachel said...

because strong is he, with the force....

Unknown said...

Good idea for a new thread of posts. Looking forward to hearing some good quotes from you--do you realize as you are saying them that they are blogworthy or after the fact? :)