Saturday, August 28, 2010

Kid Quotes::Vol. 24

Setting: In the car after a good 14 hours or so, somewhere in Arizona in the middle of the desert. Big boys bouncing off the walls in their seatbelts, talking a mile a minute. It started with the tongue twister "Toy Boat" and quickly escalated into other things. At one point all they were saying over and over and over and over was "Toy Hamburger".

Brendan and Wyatt: Toy hamburger, toy hamburger, toy hamburger, toy hamburger.....

Joanna: (about to scream) Okay! How about we say something else. Let's think of something else we can do.

Brendan: I know!!! Let's play the What-If Game!

Joanna: That's a great idea. Why don't you go first, Bren.

Brendan: Okay. What if....Easton was a TOY HAMBURGER!?!?

Joanna: Annnnnnd we're done...


Anonymous said...

What was that child thinking, toy hamburgers don't catch fish, there is no reason to be thinking of them.
Uncle Bubba

Amy Cooper said...

your kids are hilarious! It was so good to hang out with them (and you!!)

rachel said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

you're kids are so funny!!!

Carolann and Family said...


Mrs. Henry said...

HA! Good for him! That cracks me up.