Saturday, November 30, 2013

O Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree post comes before the Thanksgiving Day post this year. Thanksgiving came so late that we just couldn't wait to go get our tree. The Christmas season is short enough, we didn't think it needed to be shorter just because Thanksgiving came on the 28th this year. So we got our tree the weekend before Thanksgiving.
We were quick about our picking being that is was 34 degrees and some of us had to go to work later in the day. We picked a noble fir (our favorite) and a small one at that. We battle our small living space, so we were looking for a narrow tree that wouldn't take up too much room. I actually think the tree looks nicer now that it is in our living room than it did out in the field. It is lovely.

Such a cute face!
killed it!

And then, of course, she copies him exactly...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is the fish ornaments?
Uncle Bubba