Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chore Chart

Found this great little chore chart. Brendan especially (little Rand) thrives off of goals and charts and accomplishments and checking little boxes that say, "I did that!"

I really liked this chart because it emphasized chores being a contribution to the family. I don't especially like the idea of paying kids to do things that they should be doing (like picking up their toys and helping out) just as a part of living and working together. I do think that when they do extra things or do my chores for me, it is great and definitely deserving of pay. :)

Another great thing about this chart is it is customizable. The boys helped make the list of chores they thought they could do: feeding the dog, taking out the recycling, picking up their toys, etc. My favorite being "be happy". I mean, who can't try and do that every day?
I don't expect them to accomplish the whole list every day, but we shoot for 2 or 3, and they are having fun with it.

Interested, click here.


Unknown said...

Super cute. Very well may steal this.

Nichole said...

Excellent idea! I agree... :)
Boys especially, well, I've come to learn, enjoy feeling "important" like they've accomplished something, whether small or big, this is a great start for all little ones learning obedience in other areas of their lives too.

That's Cool, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I think you should add "Go fishing and bring home dinner" to the list.
Uncle Bubba