Monday, September 24, 2007


Finally! We have an official buyer for our house in Shelton! First round of papers have all been signed. I have to admit it is somewhat bitter-sweet, but what a burden has been lifted! Closing date is in about a month, but the buyers are tying to move it up....which is fine with us! Just keep praying everything goes as planned. I'm going to start house-hunting again!!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so happy for this answer to prayer! I'll be trusting God to show you to the doorstep of the perfect home for your family.
" all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path".

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to come stay in your new house!!!

thoughts of an elbow said...

that's so cool!
i'm excited for you guys.

Jami said...

YAY!!! Answer to prayer. How great, I'm going to share the news with the rest of the mops group tonight so they know. :)

Erin Lea said...

I'm so thrilled for you!!!! I was just driving by your house the other day on the way out to my parents and said a little prayer just as we passed by that your house would sell. It sounds like things are going well. I will give you a call soon. I want to know when your plans are for your next Shelton trip and to get updated on how the church is going in Az. Just think, soon you will have your own official space for the Waggner school of learning. Take care and god bless. I have a super funny story to tell you next time we talk. I miss you!!!! :) Erin

anita said...

yay! happy house hunting! let the fun begin!

Anonymous said...

Ok, here is my criteria for your house. It needs to be on a river, lake, or at the beach. Oh wait, they don't have any of that in Arizona, guess you will have to come back up here. Good luck wiht the house hunting.
Uncle Bubba