Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Update on Rand's Eye

As most of you know, Rand has not been well. He got the flu over 2 weeks ago. Several days later he got, what we thought was pink eye. Sadly, he was misdiagnosed. After failed treatment he was back at the doctor, and then the eye specialist who confirmed that he had viral herpes in his eye which required totally different treatment. He has followed the doctors orders but has been experiencing increased pain and not a whole lot of improvement. His follow-up appointment was today. The doctor said that the virus is gone, but there is now a secondary bacterial infection. So now he's back to the original treatment. She wants to see him before the weekend to make sure the anti-bacterial drops are working and that this thing doesn't "go bad". We don't want him to lose his eye! Rand is almost never sick so this has been really hard. Your eye is a really important part of daily life! I'll let y'all know what we find out on Friday. Thanks for keeping Rand in your prayers!
(I don't think any pictures would be very appropriate. Trust me, his eye looks really bad.)


Anonymous said...

eye-ya-yeye (ha ha, get it??)
ummm..i would like to see a picture. :)

Tammy B said...


Will continue to pray!

Amy Cooper said...

We're thinking of you guys here in the Cooper household! And unlike Rachel - I DO NOT want to see pictures. I feel sick just thinking about it! :)

Anonymous said...

I usually make jokes, but not this time, I hope he gets better. This is not a joking matter.
Uncle Bubba