I took a few pictures recently, though. Let's see what we can come up with!
The boys play "pickle" almost every day with Rand. It's their favorite baseball drill. We had to get a helmet because it is rather dangerous for the runner and the helmet has already saved about a million brain cells.
Other then playing pickle, Rand spends a lot of time obsessing over the lawn. It is looking great! I spend a lot of time observing the fruits of his labor and listening to his schemes to make it bigger and better! :)
The chickens are still getting into trouble even though I clipped one of each of their wings. They may be getting an enclosure to spend most of their time in.
And then besides that, the big boys are spending the week at VBS. They went dressed as "coal miners" today. They are having a blast!
Here's the proof!
Easton's favorite activity while the boys are playing pickle:
I think this is the quintessential summer picture. Little boys playing baseball in the grass in bare feet.
Rand's yard!
While I was taking pictures these 2 came over to see what I was up to. I'm sure they thought I might have treats or something.
Thank you for the new post!!!!!! It is awesome :) The boys are amazingly cute and every picture pulls on my heart strings....the lawn is absolutely beautiful....and what a wonderful place for little (and big) boys to play.
the coal miner is awesome...the pick and missing teeth really complete the picture perfectly! wish i was there...hugs to all the wagners!
Rand, your yard is beautiful!! I wish I were there to enjoy it with you. I love seeing the boys and the chickens playing in this beautiful space you have made. Love you all, The Great Marshmellow.
The yard looks GREAT! (and jealous of the flatness) Nice nice nice!
i agree, the yard is IMPRESSIVE. all those sprinklers and hoses have paid off!!!
miss you guys!
The yard is looking great, I wish there was a fishing stream running through it.
Uncle Bubba
Very jealous of your fine looking yard. Ours -- very far from fine. More like ick. Man, that last coal miner picture (aside from making me want to go get some wipes or something to start cleaning him up!) so looks like Daddy coal miner, don't you think?
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