Monday, January 17, 2011

Science Experiement #9::Pinhole Camera

It's been a while since I've posted any of our sciency happenings. It's not because they aren't happening, but rather some of them are just not blog worthy and others there is just no extra hand for taking a picture....and a science post without a picture is just too boring.

In science the kids have been learning about the human body and how it works. To go along with eyes we explored pinhole cameras. This one really impressed the kids!!

We painted the inside of a shoe box black

Then we poked a hole in the bottom with a pin and taped tracing paper over the top of the box.

Then we got under a dark blanket outside and something awesome happens!
You should try it!


Anonymous said...

You guys just amaze me with all the fun stuff you do!! I would like to be there to look through that hole with you. Love from your Great Aunt Marshmellow!!

Anonymous said...

I love little scientists, especially ones that study fish.
Uncle Bubba

mom aka nana said...

well now i've got to find some tracing paper and try it! awesome experiment :)