Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More of Easton

Is there anything else to blog about? Um, no. And, I know it's not fair that I get to stare at his cute face 24-7 and his loving aunts and uncles (and others) have yet to meet him. We're hangin' in there getting all adjusted to life with a newborn and a healing body. I'm starting to feel a little more normal and the little guy is plumping right up.
But who cares about all that. Here's a few more photos for the baby beggars.

The view from my pillow one morning after a not-so sleepful night.


Nichole said...

AWE... I LOVE HIM!!! can't tell if he looks more like Rand or You at moment? his little nose is just precious :)

You must be so thrilled to finally meet him... :)
Fun stuff with the big brothers too (they look so proud), looking forward to more photos of YOU and baby too!!!

Miss you guys.

rachel said...

thanks for the new pics. i can't wait to come visit!

your boys are super cute!

Amy said...

Kaylee, He is so precious and adorable. I wish I could come bring you a meal and hold the little guy! :) Hope you're getting some sleep here and there.

Anonymous said...

It looks like those three boys are ready to do some fishing.
Uncle Bubba