Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sort of Boring....

I'm sorry, but I just don't have a lot to report.
So, to appease the bored blog readers out there....here are some pictures of my fairly uneventful life.

Art day, yesterday.

Playing with trains this morning

I started another hat with some special yarn that Rachel brought me from Ireland a long, long time ago.

I've been...how should we say?....limiting my food intake. And although this bowl of fruit looks delicious, eating less and exercising in the Arizona summer heat, has me a little cranky, and makes me a lousy blogger. ;)

And last but not least, I have been digitally scrapbooking a baby book for my almost 3 year old. Here is the first page of his special book.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update and some new pictures to look at. i for one, want you to start eating some of that bowl of fruit, so you can crank out lots of posts for me to read, as i am bored over here in wichita, where i know NOBODY, and my life line is living through everybody else's blog so it's like i get to hang out with people and am included in all their daily activities, because right now i am really getting sick and tired of hanging out with myself, and i'm pretty sure jayden would agree, as he's started following some of the people working on our house around and talking to them, where normally he would be stuck like glue to my leg when strangers are around. just saying...just in case you needed some motivation in the form of guilt, or feeling sorry for me, or whatever, to help you crank out some darn fantastic posts. (i am looking forward to tomorrows posting...:) ) love ya!

Anonymous said...

It's not boring . . . its fun to look at pictures and read about what others are up to . . . . that bowl of fruit does look pretty tasty! Love the art cover ups . . . is that what you call them? Not only are they cute, but I'm sure it makes cleaning up a little easier and you don't have to worry about their clothes . . oops, I mean their skin. ~ Kim

Anonymous said...

The boys haircuts look good, like they are ready to go and do some fishing.
Uncle Bubba

Anonymous said...

Not boring just life... I think we stay at home moms get it confused sometimes.
I love the boys art aprons.. want to make some for mine??? no really.. I'll pay you...
I love to look at your blog and see the fun stuff you are doing with your boys.