Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Perry the Parakeet

In case you haven't been around Brendan lately, you might not know that he has been slightly obsessed with getting a bird for a pet. He originally wanted a big parrot, like a black cockatoo, but then he found out how much they cost and we started doing some more serious research about caring for a bird and the best pets for kids and also what he could afford. He has been stuck on a green parakeet for quite some time and it turns out that parakeets are pretty good beginner birds for kids. I've been trying with all my might to get him to wait and not get one at the pet store because I know that a breeder (if we could find one) could probably provide us with a younger, hand-fed bird that would be easier for him to train/tame.
Well as it turns out, he just couldn't wait. I personally caved because I was really wanting to be done with the discussing of the bird and onto just having it here. Brendan is fully responsible for food, water, a clean cage AND a clean floor. So today he scraped together all his money and went to the pet store. We are now the proud owners of a little green and yellow budgie named Perry. Brendan is smitten.

See? Smitten.


Anonymous said...

Brendan I am so happy you have a new member to your family. I also love the name !!! Perry!!! I will be coming over very soon to bring the rest of your Christmas presents and to meet Perry. He is really beautiful!! Green is my favorite too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh look at those teeth!! How are you chewing anything!! The Great Marshmellow.

Leslee aka mom aka nana said...

How sweet it is!

Nana said...

Brendan you look so happy to finally have your own bird! Perry looks like he is happy to have you to take care of him and to love him. I can't wait to see him! Hugs to you

Anonymous said...

Take his fallen feathers and make a set of beautiful fishing flies.
Uncle Bubba

Mrs. Henry said...

Yay Brendan! The teeth are the coolest I've seen in a long time.

Kristi said...

Heehee! I *puffy heart* his grin :D

Vishal Pandey said...

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter

Fireman Firefighter