Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chicken Chronicles::Vol. 5 (Treats)

Turns out, chicks LOVE hard boiled eggs. Seems weird to me, but I read it enough times to try it and sure enough, they go nuts! We're trying to offer treats more regularly from our hands as opposed to just tossing them on the ground so they get a little more friendly (tame?). They are perfectly kind but can be a little tricky to catch if you haven't done it a bunch. Some of them are more skittish than others.
 They are officially outside full time...thank heavens! Spent 2 nights out in the coop. Their coop is very open to air, purposely, so that they have the best circulation for summer, but it makes for chilly nights for pretty young chicks. At night I close off the coop a little bit with some cardboard to block the wind and have a lamp out there for now...just in case...maybe just for another week or so.
 I really love them! They are so, so fun!! They pup is doing okay with them. She gets a kick out of pouncing towards them and watching them scatter. Worries me a tad. Sammy somewhat enjoys doing the same thing. It won't be long though and those chicks will be bigger than those dogs, and I think they'll hold their own! ;)


Daisy looks a little hungry with her tongue out like that! :)

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Look at this stare down!

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Anonymous said...

It looks like Easton and Daisy are going to be great pals and I think the chickens will soon put the dogs in their places. Kids, babys, puppies and chicks. Wow what a busy household!!

Anonymous said...

We need more teh fish chronicles. What about the fish?
Uncle Bubba