Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I now acknowledge the power and presence of Your life in and around me. I stand firm in the fact and Truth that Willie is alive and well in the hands of our Father. I agree and line myself with what You said in regard to allowing 'dead to bury their own dead.' I accept this Truth to mean that I should not allow the enemy to use his death to distract me from following You in my daily living. I now choose, by the power of Your spoken Word, for You to bring closure to my grieving process over Willie. I by faith accept his death and know that You will be using his passing as a tool of sharing the gospel with those who are in need of knowing You. I choose not to focus on how he died, why he died or his death itself. I take this time to reaffirm my commitment to serving You and You alone. I will go on with the life You have chosen for me to live, regardless of Willie being in my life. I stand against the ways of the enemy in tempting me to focus on death instead of life. I claim now all the Truth and Victory You offer through this difficult time. I pray only in the blessed name of Jesus Christ and His redemptive and healing ways. Amen. Taken from the Book of Prayers by Stephen R. Phinney.


Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen....

I am praying.

Jamie Gibeau said...

Praying for you...thinking of you and your family.

Amy Cooper said...

Beautiful words. Thanks Kaylee.