Monday, April 28, 2008

Summer Weather

I am sorry if my post induces envy in all my Northwest friends and family who have yet to see spring, but as I see it, I only have a few more weeks of bragging rights left. Soon our beautiful, "mild", winter/spring weather will be a faint memory....maybe a mirage, replaced by scorching heat and air conditioned houses. But as they say here, "it's a dry heat." Whatever. It's still hot. Although, dry is better than not dry.
I thought maybe today was the day we would hit 100, but it looks as if we still have a little more time before the triple digits of summer. Still, it was hot and I cleaned the pool out AGAIN and set the hose in to fill. Sitting down to dinner I remembered the hose....just as the water began to spill over the edge. The over-filled pool was too irresistable, so the boys had a little after-dinner-swim. (oops, I forgot to make them wait 30 mins.)


Anonymous said...

that swimming pool looks awesome! and every little boy and girl knows that swimming pools like bath tubs are best filled to the brim....wish i was floating in that pool with the boys.....

Anonymous said...

I am, in fact, jealous.

Anonymous said...

Can you bring some of that heat north please??

Anonymous said...

They are growing up too fast!

Anonymous said...

The pool looks way more refreshing and fun than the lovely wind/rain/hail storm we are having right now! I too can say, “I’m jealous.”

Anonymous said...

Does the watering hole come with fish? Nothing is better than catching fish and then jumping in the water you just them in.
Uncle Bubba